Why Does God ask US questions?-by Kathy Collard Miller
Posted: April 5, 2020
Today my blog is written by a friend, Kathy Collard Miller. Kathy and her husband Larry have written an insightful 40 day devotional book which makes us see God in a new and deeper perspective. Enjoy Kathy’s blog which starts with God asking the question: “Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?” (Numbers 12:8) If you’ve ever felt jealous of God’s choice of someone to fill a position you wanted, you know why God asked this question. If you’ve ever felt disappointed because God chose a different path for you than you wanted, you know why God asked this question. If you’ve ever felt angry because God allowed someone who is inferior to you become your boss, you know why God asked this question. God is questioning Miriam and Aaron, who are Moses’s closest advisors and siblings. Miriam, the elder sibling, was a part of…