Blog: Ovarian Cancer Canada

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER-“Ovarian Cancer-The Silent Killer”

Posted: February 23, 2013

1. How did you discover you had ovarian cancer? Was there a defining predisposition? Thanks, Heidi, for this question. To tell you the truth, my situation was not so typical. Ovarian cancer is considered one of the deadliest of all gynecological cancers because, sad to say, the symptoms are vague and nondescript. Because of this, it is often diagnosed in the later stages. I discovered a lumpy area in my abdomen, which is not always the case. I felt no pain. I was tired but I thought I was just getting older and needed to change my pace a little. Now that I know the symptoms of ovarian cancer, I realize I missed a few red flags. Once I had an ultrasound done and then a CT scan, it turned out I had two large tumours on both ovaries. Needless to say things moved along pretty quickly and before I…

Posted in: Gynecological Cancers, Ovarian Cancer, Ovarian Cancer Canada

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