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A K.I.S.S. MARRIAGE – Interruptions
Posted: March 3, 2015

There is one interruption that I know would put a huge smile on my face. Imagine this. It’s my birthday coming up and my husband gives me a simple card and an umbrella. Inside the card it says this. “I hear it rains in Paris at this time of the year.” It would take me but a minute to go down into the basement and get my suitcase.
Most interruptions are not pleasant and come at inopportune times and have the possibility to wreck our ideal life. I’m not talking about the little annoyances like running out of gas in the middle of winter or spilling coffee all over your new white shirt. I’m talking about interruptions that change the course of our hopes and dreams.
For Instance:
- One of your unemployed children is moving back home.
- You just discovered that your spouse is addicted to pornography.
- Your children are stealing.
- One of your children has been diagnosed with a mental health problem or an addiction.
- You are going to have to raise your grandchildren.
- You get a promotion but it means you will be travelling 250 days of the year.
- You get a call from your Doctor’s office and they tell you that the blood tests have come back and you need to come in.
- Your mother or father can no longer live alone and look after themselves.
These interruptions have the potential to destroy the harmony in your home and possibly ruin your marriage. How do you deal with this new future and still maintain hope and intimacy in your marriage? To help you find the resolve and peace you are looking for, here are a few simple tips to keep your hearts connected.
- Allow yourself to be angry or grieve until you accept your new reality. Don’t expect the other person to have the same emotions as you do. Everyone deals with interruptions differently. Give each other some space if you need it.
- This is not the time to judge or criticize. It will only help you to vent your volatile emotions but will solve nothing.
- Make intentional efforts to stay connected in in love:
- Hold each other’s hand when you walk. Reach for each other’s hands in church or when you’re watching a movie.
- Kiss hello and good-bye.
- Say kind and positive words. You are both hurting so saying hurtful words will only make the situation worse.
- Make good decisions that you know will not cause you any regret. Make good decisions and eventually the good feelings will follow.
- Pray together.
- Be determined that you love each other too much to let this interruption destroy your marriage.
- Decide to find things to laugh about.
- Approach some friends who have a healthy marriage and let them mentor you through this difficult stage of life. Surround yourself with loving, accepting and wise people.
When we get married we have a picture of an ideal life and when these interruptions show up it make cause you to run. But your marriage is too important to give up now. God made us to help each other and this is the time when sticking together and supporting each other will build a stronger marriage and transform each of you into a more “loveable you.”
Posted in: Balancing life, Beauty from the Inside Out, Commitment, Communication, companionship, Conflict, Encouragement, Finding Truth, Friendship, Good Marriage, Harmony, Intimacy, Laughter, Listening, love, Making Wise Choices, Overcoming Struggles, Peace, pornography, power of words