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Posted: July 12, 2014

James LeBron

A young man by the name of LeBron James is arguably the greatest basketball player of this generation. Over the past four years he has led his team, the “Miami Heat” to four National Basketball Association finals, winning two championships. Lebron has command of all the basic skills required for basketball including power, speed, shooting and defensive ability. There are other stars that possess equivalent individual skills. But the thing that sets LeBron apart is his ability to recognize and utilize the gifting and capabilities of his mates and deliver the ball to them when they are in the best position to succeed. For example: three point shots, a mid range jump shot or a drive to the basket.

There is great blessing which flows through marriages when partners view each other as team mates rather than competitors. When there is a mutual willingness, a couple will recognize the respective gifts and talents of their partners and “pass the ball” to them so that they can succeed in bringing about marital greatness. The skill set may include anything from decorating, cooking, gardening, repairing or setting up a new computer system or fixing the internet. This is accomplished through setting up wise strategies for mutual decision making. Setting up your team mate (in this case your spouse) to succeed for the benefit of the family involves the following:

1. Observation and Communication-Notice the areas of life which are the best in your partner, so that when the ball is in their hands, they are most likely to succeed. Discuss the roles in life which bring about the greatest sense of joy and satisfaction.

2. Patience-As in athletics the talents and skills required to for a successful marriage are sharpened and refined through practice and experience. Such experience may involve failure before success. As “failure” is not final, disparaging remarks have no place in setting up your partner for greatness.

3. Encouragement-Words followed by actions which feed into your partners skill set, are extraordinarily important.

A final word which has a ready application for a successful marriage comes from the book of Hebrews 10:24 which says: “Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.”

Posted in: Commitment, Communication, companionship, Differences, Encouragement, Expectations, Friendship, fUN, Good Marriage, Harmony, Making Wise Choices, Patience, power of words, Understanding each other

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