Posted: November 11, 2024
One of the simplest and most powerful ways to cultivate and deepen friendships is to pray together. It’s free. All it costs you is your time and commitment. When people ask me, “Heidi, when and how did you learn and love to pray?” My response is always: “Out of desperation.” Most of us learn to pray out of desperation. Grieving the deaths of two husbands I prayed fearlessly and passionately because I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. That’s why I can pray on the spot, in a group, in front of hundreds of people because I’m not praying to impress , I’m praying to my Abba Father who hears my prayers. We don’t pray to impress or sound smart or holy. For over 10 years, without missing a single month, I’ve been praying with two friends by Skype and now Zoom. One lives in Alabama and one…
Posted in: ask for help, ask God, Christ in us, Come to Jesus, disappointments, don't give up, Friendship, girlfriends, God's love, goodness of God, Intimacy, loneliness, make time for each other, one-another, Prayer, Prayer deepens relationships, Praying divides our burdens, praying with friends, presence of God, relationships, spiritual friendships, we need each other
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Posted: June 12, 2022
Based on electrochemical brain activity, our present moment lasts about 200 milliseconds.[1] In a millisecond all of life is behind us and the future looms before us as one big unopened gift. Aren’t you eager to open it? I have this sign in my home that says: “LET’S DO THIS”…whatever “this is.” For me it means to step into the now and savour the sweetness of the moment. Right now many of you are thinking that your present moment is anything but sweet. But think about this. This moment will never come again so are you living it to the best of your ability? As my days before me are shorter than the days behind me, I am savouring every moment and treasuring them in my heart. Because I can never relive them in the same way. You may be thinking that you probably never want to see these moments again,…
Posted in: be creative, comfort zones, Encouragement, familiarity, goodness of God, Laughter, Let's Do This, miracle moments, regret, step into the future
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